Code of Ethics
BasicNet, as per Legislative Decree No. 231 of June 8, 2001 and according to the principles of responsibility and transparency with internal and external interlocutors, has adopted an Organisation, management and control model.
Legislative Decree 231/01 introduced into our legal framework “criminal responsibility” upon entities (legal persons). According to this law, alongside the responsibility of physical persons who have materially committed offenses (explicitly established by the Decree), the responsibility of the entity in the interest of, or to the advantage of which, the offenses were committed, has been established.
This Decree, in order to prevent the punishable offenses and, therefore, to protect the company from responsibility for offenses committed by its representatives (senior executives), provides for the adoption of an Organisation and control model.
BasicNet has drawn up an Organisation, management and control model and a Group Ethics Code, in order to govern relations between the company and the various interest holders (shareholders, directors, human resources, customers, suppliers, etc.) and has set up a Supervisory Board (SB) with the duty, among others, to assess the efficacy of the measures adopted to prevent the commission of the offenses identified by the Decree and to supervise compliance with the Model by its addressees. The Supervisory Board may be contacted to report any issue or for clarification at the e-mail address:
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Code of Ethics Download the document (italian version) Download the document (english version)
The BasicNet Group Code of Conduct For Sourcing Centers Download the document (italian version) Download the document (english version)

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